Welcome to the new era of copywriting.

Mental health is finally getting the attention it deserves.

Integrating mental health into your marketing strategy has never been more beneficial; 50% of customers prefer brands that support and address societal issues such as mental health. Similarly, 65% of customers prefer supporting brands prioritising staff wellbeing and inclusivity. As a result, there is now a huge demand for businesses and organisations across every industry to incorporate mental health and wellbeing into their work.

And it doesn't just stop there. Companies prioritising mental and physical wellbeing tend to have happier, healthier employees, less staff turnover and increased productivity of around 12%.

That’s why you need an expert.

Mental health is a complex, sensitive subject that you can't afford to get wrong. Whilst the internet has endless resources, misinformation is still a huge issue, and marketing missteps are easy to make.

Potentia utilises years of clinical experience, current industry knowledge, and cutting-edge scientific research to craft compelling content that resonates with your customers on an emotional level. Our expertise allows us to simplify complex concepts into copy that engages with your target audience and enhances your brand's online presence.

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